Power diode switched RLC load

Diode Switched RLC Load:


\[\begin{aligned} & L\frac{di}{dt}+Ri+\frac{1}{C}\int idt+v_c(t=0)=V_s \\ & \frac{d^2i}{dt^2}+\frac{R}{L}\frac{di}{dt}+\frac{i}{LC}=0 \Rightarrow s^2+\frac{R}{L}s+\frac{1}{LC}=0 ~~ \Leftarrow \textbf{characteristic equation}\\ & s_{1,2}=-\dfrac{R}{2L}\pm\sqrt{\left(\dfrac{R}{2L}\right)^2-\dfrac{1}{LC}}\\ &\alpha=\frac{R}{2L} ~~\Leftarrow \textbf{Damping factor} \qquad \omega_0=\frac{1}{\sqrt{LC}}~~\Leftarrow \textbf{Resonant frequency}\\ & s_{1,2}=-\alpha\pm\sqrt{\alpha^2-\omega_0^2}~~ \Leftarrow \textbf{Roots of the characteristic equation}\\ \end{aligned}\]

If \(\alpha=\omega_0\), the roots are equal, \(s_1=s_2\), and the circuit is called critically damped. The solution takes the form \[i(t)=\left(A_1+A_2 t\right) e^{s_1 t}\]

If \(\alpha>\omega_0\), the roots are real and the circuit is said to be overdamped. The solution takes the form \[i(t)=A_1 e^{s_1 t}+A_2 e^{s_2 t}\]

If \(\alpha<\omega_0\), the roots are complex and the circuit is said to be underdamped. The roots are \[s_{1,2}=-\alpha \pm j \omega_r\] where \(\omega_r\) is called the ringing frequency (or damped resonant frequency) and \(\omega_r=\sqrt{\omega_0^2-\alpha^2}\). The solution takes the form \[i(t)=e^{-\alpha t}\left(A_1 \cos \omega_r t+A_2 \sin \omega_r t\right)\] which is a damped or decaying sinusoidal.

Solved Problem:

The second-order \(RLC\) circuit has the dc source voltage \(V_s=220\mathbb{V}\), \(L= 2\)mH, \(C=0.05~\mu F\), and \(R=160\Omega\). The initial value of the capacitor voltage is \(v_c(t=0)=V_{c0}=0\) and inductor current \(i( t= 0) = 0.\) If switch \(S_1\) is closed at \(t=0\), determine: