This experiment is aimed at converting AC (Three phase) to DC using a diode (uncontrolled) rectifier. The circuit is implemented in simulation as well as hardware and the performance is studied.
A three phase rectifier converts three phase AC to DC. The bridge rectifier consists of six diodes. The output waveform is as depicted in the corresponding figure. The output ripple is less compared to single phase.
To simulate the Diode Rectifier in MATLAB Simulink
a. Implement the 3-phase uncontrolled full wave rectifier with an R load of 100 Ω. (Input voltage: Phase-to-phase rms voltage (V) = 61.2 V, 50Hz)
b. To the above circuit add an L load of 6 mH along with the R load of 100 Ω and observe the changes in the output voltage waveform and FFT analysis.
Form Factor = \( \frac{V_{rms}}{V_{dc}} \)
Ripple Factor = \( \sqrt{FF^2 - 1} \)
[Figure 3: Hardware implementation of 3-phase diode bridge rectifier]
Obtain the results as follows:
R Load |
RL load |
Form factor |
Ripple Factor |
FFT Analysis |
Output Voltage |
THD in % |
VFundamental (RMS) |
2nd Harmonics (V) |
3rd Harmonics (V) |
R Load |
RL load |
Form factor |
Ripple Factor |
FFT Analysis |
Output Voltage |
VFundamental (RMS) |
2nd Harmonics (V) |
3rd Harmonics (V) |
\(20 \log(\mathrm{V_{Fundamental} \, (RMS)}) = \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\mathrm{dB}\)