Semiconductors: Silicon vs. Germanium

Demonstrative Video

Materials used in Electronics

  • 4 valence electrons and 2e in inner shell

  • 6 protons + 6 neutrons


Band Gap

  • For insulators, the gap can be crossed only when breakdown conditions occur—as when a very HV is applied across the material

  • band gap depends on the semiconductor material


Semiconductor Atom Vs Conductor Atom

  • core includes everything except the valence electrons


Silicon and Germanium

  • Si used in diodes, transistors, integrated circuits, and other semiconductor devices.

  • Both Si and Ge have 4 valence electrons.


Covalent Bonds

  • Si crystal : each atom positions itself with 4 adjacent Si atoms

  • A Si atom with its 4 valence electrons shares an electron with each of its four neighbours

  • Creates 8 shared valence electrons for each atom and produces a state of chemical stability


image Bonding diagram: red -ve represent the shared valence electrons. image Covalent bonds in a Si crystal.