Demystifying Alternator Anatomy: Exploring Constructional Features

Demonstrative Video

Constructional Features of Synchronous Machines


  • Generally, the segments on individual poles are joined together to form common rings resulting in a short-circuited squirrel cage winding.

  • Salient pole machines are frequently provided with a damper winding on the rotor to damp rotor oscillations during transient-conditions and to facilitate smooth operation under unbalanced load conditions.

  • At hydro-electric power plants, usually, salient pole type alternators are placed with their shafts in vertical position.


  • Non-Salient pole type rotor:

    • suited for the high speeds.

    • The steam turbines rotate at a high speed (3000 rpm).

    • When these turbines are used as prime-mover for generator, a small number of poles are required for given frequency.

    • Hence, have smaller diameter and larger length.




Special Features : Salient & Non-salient Structures