\(T_a/I_a \Rightarrow\) Electrical Char.
\(N/T_a \Rightarrow\) Mechanical Characteristics
\[\begin{array}{ccc} T_{a}\propto\Phi I_{a} & \mbox{and} & N\propto\dfrac{E_{b}}{\Phi}\end{array}\]
\[T_{a}\propto\Phi I_{a}\propto I_{a}^{2}~\left(\because\Phi\propto I_{a}\right)\]
Before magnetic saturation \(T_a \propto I_a^2 \Rightarrow\) Parabola
After magnetic saturation \(T_a \propto I_a \Rightarrow\) Straight Line
\(T_{sh} < T_a\) due to Stray losses
Motors are used where high \(T_{st}\) required
Small load \(\Rightarrow I_a \downarrow
\Rightarrow E_b\) is small and neglected
\(I_a \downarrow \downarrow \Rightarrow N \uparrow \uparrow \Rightarrow\) don’t start no mechanical load\(^\ast\)
\(N \uparrow T_a \downarrow\)
\(\Phi =\) constant. At heavy load \(\Phi \downarrow\) slightly due to armature reaction
\(T_a \propto I_a \Rightarrow\) Straight line
Since, heavy starting load needs \(I_{st} \uparrow\uparrow\), shunt motors never be started on heavy load
\(N\propto E_b \Rightarrow N =\) constant as \(E_b\) is constant
With load, \(E_b \downarrow\) slightly more than \(\Phi \Rightarrow N \downarrow\) slightly
Therefore, shunt motors are constant speed motors
develops large \(T\) at low \(N\) just like series motor.
No disadvantages of series motor at light or no load.
\(\Phi_{se}\) helps \(\Phi_{sh}\) to \(\uparrow\) \(\Phi_T\). Hence runs at reasonable speed.
As two fluxes opposes, resultant flux \(\downarrow\) as load increases, machine runs at a higher speed with increase in the load.
Try to run with dangerously high speed at full load.
Generally not used in practice.